Assistante d’Anglais

In the college Paul Eluard, we have an English language assistant. She came in our college for her first day on 1st October 2020. Her name is Hope Cooper, she is 24 years old, her birthday is on the 4th June. She loves France. She is English, she lives in Manchester but this year, she lives in Lille to come to our college.

If you are looking for her, look for a one-meter-sixty-four girl with brown hair, probably with blue clothes because that’s her favourite colour. In the canteen, with a pepperoni pizza? Sure it’s Hope because it’s her favourite food. Then, Hope likes to read, draw, swim, she likes to see a football match, her favourite team is Manchester city. She likes to listen to music especially the songs by Caribou, likes reading, “The catcher in the rye” is her favourite book. She also likes to watch series, she loves “Casa De Papel” on Netflix. She likes to travel, she has visited India, Italy, Sri Lanka…

She particularly enjoys studying and has studied in different cities such as London, when she was 18 years old, she was at university in London and France, actually, she is 24 years old and she is in Lille. In Manchester, she lives with her mother and her dog who is named Dillon. He is twelve years old, 40 centimetres tall and has grey hair and is very funny. She is an only child, she doesn’t have a brother or a sister. Her Mother works in marketing and her father is retired. Her grandmother was Scottish. On her mother’s side, she has 3 cousins, 1 girl and 2 boys and on her father’s side, she has 1 cousin, who’s a girl. She has a best friend, her name is Sophie, and she has big, blond hair. She lives in Manchester, too. Hope is a little sad because her friends were to come in France for Christmas but with the covid they will not come.

Manchester is her city of origin. According to her, in Manchester there is everything except for the beach, Manchester is 7 hours by car, 4 hours by train and 1 hour by plane away from Lille and 2 hours by train to London. In Manchester, you must see: the Beetham Tower, the big Library, the Art Gallery and Curry Mile, a street where there are many Indian restaurants, the Street Art, the Canal, its name is the Manchester canal. And for a little History of Manchester: Manchester is the place where the movement for the right to vote for women started, where Alan Turing was based after the 2nd World War (the man who invented the first computer), where the first Rolls Royce was built, and where the great newspaper “Manchester Guardian” was born before becoming simply The Guardian. Finally, the nickname of this city is Cottonopolis because it was the centre of the cotton industry in the 19th century.

By Janelle Pottié, 3e3

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