English corner

Meet our language assistant from the U.S.

  • Hello
  • Hello
  • So, your name is Sabrina Thayer, you come from Austin, Texas, you are a language assistant in Paul Eluard in Cysoing. Can you tell me more about yourself?
  • Yes, my name is Sabrina Thayer, I’m 24 years old. I live in Austin, Texas. I don’t have any sisters and brothers, I’m an only child. I have one pet, it’s a cat and his name is Salem. I’m living in France during seven months with a foster family. What else?
  • Do you have any hobbies?
  • Oh, yes. I like drawing, painting especially with watercolour and gouache. I also like cross-stitching because I think it’s very calming and relaxing.
  • You are an artist, right?
  • Yes, I am an artist. I also like to play dungeons and dragons – it’s my favorite game, I play four hours a week with my friends. I like it because it’s a cooperative experience.
  • Have you ever worked in a school?
  • No, it’s my first time working in a school, but I have already worked with children.
  • Why did you want to become a language assistant?
  • I wanted to be assistant because I think it’s a good experience, because I like working with children and languages are cool.
  • In the future, do you want to be a teacher?
  • Yes, I would like to teach film in the U.S.
  • Do you prefer schools in France or in USA?
  • I prefer schools in France because the students have more time for lunch than in the USA and the teachers are good and very dedicated. In the U.S., you pass tests, in France, you learn.
  • What are the differences between France and Texas? And what is your preference?
  • The main differences are that in the USA there are no paid holidays, health insurance, sick days, and maternity leave. France takes care of its people. So, I think France is better for that.
  • What are your qualities?
  • I would say that I am creative and friendly. And I am hard working.
  • Finally, what are your goals in life?
  • That’s a difficult but interesting question. I would like to be comfortable financially and be happy, and not hurt anyone in the process.

Interview prepared by the pupils in 3ème6

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